Category Archives: ARTIKEL

Password Manager – 5 Reasons to Use at Home

Today for an obvious reason, there is no need to convince somebody to use passwords. We use passwords everywhere and they became one of everyday realities. However, competent password management is still a question of interest.

Here are 5 reasons to use XP password manager at home:

1. You will never forget your password. Mostly problems with passwords are not a result of hacker attacks, but usually take place because of simple human mistakes. Anyone can forget password or write it down on a piece of paper and lose it (which is generally the same) or make a mistake filling password field three times a row and then write letters to administrator to reset this password and get new. XP password manager keeps all passwords in secure database and allows you to avoid such troubles. Read the rest of this entry

Computer Programming For Beginners

Computer programming is a process to instruct the computer to do a specific task. The instructions to tell a computer to do something are written in a language called as a Programming Language. Only one instruction is not enough for a computer to do something substantial, a set of instructions needs to be passed to it to complete a task. These sets of instructions are called as Programs

There are many different programming languages that programmers use to write programs, like C++, C#, Java and Visual Basic. The choice of language depends on the type of program that needs to be written and the expertise of the programmer in a particular language. Each language has its advantages depending on the type of program that needs to be written. Read the rest of this entry

About Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, pronounced in Chinese as “xin nian”, always falls on the date marking the beginning of Spring and thus it is also called the “Spring Festival“. “xin” means “new” and “nian” means “year”.  The actual date for Chinese New Year is the second new moon after the winter solstice.

In 2010  Chinese New Years falls on 14th February 2010.

Celebrations start on the eve of the new moon and end 15 days later with the full moon lantern festival.

Chinese year name conventions
The Gregorian calendar was adopted by China in 1912 and is used for civil purposes.  The Chinese calendar is used for determining festivals.

The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the zodiac. Read the rest of this entry

Are Sitemaps Important?

Making the visitors’ break at your place, be it home or your website, attainable and adequate is article that you do after any additional thoughts. Sitemap is one such way to accomplish your website company feel at home and accomplish him acknowledgment to your site.

You don’t charge an addition to sitemaps, of course. They accept been there for a continued time. But back SEO experts apparent the accent of sitemaps from the angle of chase agent optimisation, they are accustomed a arresting abode in a website. A astute use of your sitemap can access the cardinal of visits by chase engines and users. Read the rest of this entry

A Beginner's Guide to SEO Through Classifieds

SEO is what online businesses and those with websites are doing to garner traffic and become successful. Many have already achieved their goals by implementing it. If you’ve been holding your business back due to a lack of familiarity with the SEO process, then it’s time to find out what it’s all about.

SEO is nothing but various moves you make to ensure that your webpage climbs the search engine results pages (serps) on search engines like Yahoo, Google, MSN and ASK. Any website or business is easily welcomed by search engines as long as they make the effort to follow the rules and guidelines laid down. Once they’ve compiled long lists, search engines give each website a position or ranking based on the number of quality links that lead to them. The more links you have to your webpage, the better your ranking as Google assumes they are votes for the quality of your website. To get quality sites to provide links to your site is much easier when your website content is original and informative. Read the rest of this entry

Remove Corrupted Entries Fast That Are Slowing it Down

When computers are new, they work very fast but over time they slow down and the difference is noticeable within even a couple of weeks or a few months at the most. The machine will become sluggish and take longer to perform tasks and find things. This is not a problem that occurs all at once. It is something that develops over time. windows uses and keeps all the data your computer needs in a filing system called a registry and this registry is changed, has bits added to it and shuffled around all the time your computer is in use.

The system literally gets messy and untidy and errors occur in it. That is what causes problems Learning how to repair your registry is vital if you are to avoid these problems and save yourself the expense of calling a computer engineer. Knowing about this system and how to fix it yourself is vital because each time you install or remove software, surf the web, or whatever you use it for you start to fill your registry with things it doesn’t need. Read the rest of this entry

Create Captivating Invitation Cards

Creating several invitation cards and deciding their patterns is a fun-loving task. You can create cards for business or personal purposes. A marketer uses these cards for promoting business among the prospective customers. They can be useful for making announcements of events or product launches in the market. Attractively designed cards equip the marketer to entice the customers towards the events and other activities of the company. These cards can leave positive impression on the minds of the customers about the company. They are also used for personal purpose for sending birthday or any other ceremonial invitation to the near and dear ones.

Creating invitation cards for personal purpose:

There are many occasions when you want to invite your friends and relatives on birthdays, wedding anniversaries, Christmas or New Year party. A person can create invitation cards by himself. You can create printed or online cards easily and swiftly. On printed cards you can use high quality paper. The paper can be either plain white or colored. A person can use crayons or water paints for decorating the card. Read the rest of this entry

Troubleshooting USB Device Driver Issues

USB devices are becoming increasingly common due to their portability and ability to hold and transfer large amounts of data easily. There are many devices that use USB connections to interact with your computer, such as phones, cameras, MP3 players, and of course storage devices. The convenience these devices offer does not go unnoticed, however the annoyance presented by seemingly inexplicable error messages can be disappointing at times.

The main issue people have with USB devices is the unknown device error. These errors usually present themselves in the form of an error message that reads: “Unknown Device” or “USB device not recognized.” This error message is particularly frustrating because it appears as soon as the device is plugged in, and it renders the device unusable. Read the rest of this entry

Brokoli Cegah Kanker Prostat

Brokoli, yang sering dipakai untuk tumis menumis merupakan keluarga kol yang berhubungan erat dengan kembang kol. Ternyata penelitian dari jurnal kanker Oncology, menyatakan bahwa brokoli mengandung fitonutrien yaitu sulforaphane dan indoles yang mempunyai efek antikanker.

Penelitian terhadap indole-3-carbinol membuktikan, komponen ini membantu mengurangi keaktifan metabolit estrogen yang poten dalam meningkatkan risiko pertumbuhan tumor. Terutama pada sel kanker yang sensitif terhadap estrogen dan secara bersamaan menaikkan kadar 2-hidroksiestrone, sebuah bentuk dari estrogen yang bersifat protektif terhadap adanya kanker.
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Bercintalah dengan Gaya Ini, bila ingin hamil

Banyak orang mengatakan, semakin Anda menginginkan sesuatu, semakin sulit Anda mendapatkannya. Hal ini juga kerap terjadi ketika Anda begitu menginginkan kehadiran seorang anak, tetapi Anda tak kunjung hamil.

Namun, dr Hal Danzer, dokter spesialis kesuburan dan salah satu pendiri Southern California Reproductive Center, berbagi tips mengenai posisi seks terbaik yang memungkinkan terjadinya pembuahan. Simak penjelasannya dalam artikel yang dia buat di

1. Berhubungan sebelum Anda berovulasi
Sperma bisa tetap berada di rahim dan saluran telur ke rahim selama 2 atau 3 hari. Namun, telur Anda mungkin hanya akan bertahan 12-24 jam setelah dilepaskan. Jadi, berhubungan seks sebelum Anda berovulasi bisa mendorong kemungkinan adanya sperma yang akan menyambut telur Anda begitu dilepaskan.

Jika siklus menstruasi Anda 28 hari (saat Anda berovulasi pada hari ke-14), lakukan hal-hal berikut ini:
* Lakukan hubungan seks beberapa kali seminggu begitu menstruasi Anda berakhir. Melakukan hubungan cukup sering seperti ini dapat memastikan bahwa Anda tidak melewatkan masa paling subur, khususnya jika panjang siklus Anda bervariasi dari bulan ke bulan.

* Lakukan hubungan setiap hari sekitar hari ke-10.

* Jika Anda mendapat hasil positif pada ovulation predictor kit atau OPK (bisa dibeli di apotek), atau sekitar hari ke-12, maka lakukan hubungan pada hari tersebut dan dua hari berikutnya. Inilah hari-hari utama dalam sebulan yang memungkinkan terjadinya pembuahan.

2. Posisi: “missionary
Memang tidak ada bukti-bukti ilmiah yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu posisi tertentu lebih efektif daripada yang lain. Namun, tujuan dari hubungan seks yang memungkinkan terjadinya pembuahan adalah untuk mengantarkan sperma sedekat mungkin ke serviks. Dengan demikian, akan lebih baik jika pasangan mampu memasukkan penisnya sedalam mungkin, dan hal ini mungkin terjadi bila ia berada di atas. Di pihak lain, doggy style boleh dibilang merupakan cara paling tidak efektif untuk membuat sel telur Anda dibuahi.

3. Berbaring telentang, dan ganjal pinggul Anda
Apa yang membuat sesi bercinta ini berhasil, dan apa yang sekadar mitos, memang masih diperdebatkan. Namun, dr Christopher Williams, MD, ahli endokrinologi reproduktif dari Charlottesville, Virginia, dan penulis The Fastest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally, menjabarkan apa yang sepenuhnya fakta. Contohnya, mengganjal pinggul dengan bantal.

“Posisi vagina itu miring ke bawah, jadi berbaring telentang seusai berhubungan seks memungkinkan sperma untuk mengalir dan terkumpul di rahim,” katanya. Berbaringlah hingga sekitar 20 menit. Perlukah mengangkat kedua kaki ke atas? Menurut dr Williams, hal ini boleh-boleh saja, meskipun mungkin tidak banyak membantu.

4. Bercintalah sebelum tidur malam
Meskipun beberapa sumber melaporkan bahwa jumlah sperma lebih banyak pada pagi hari, kenyataannya tidak ada waktu optimal dalam sehari untuk berhubungan seks. Lagi pula, bercinta sebelum Anda tidur malam menjadi cara mudah untuk memastikan Anda berbaring sesudahnya.

5. Jangan menggunakan cairan lubrikasi
Mungkin ada yang mengira bahwa cairan lubrikasi bisa membantu sperma bergerak lebih cepat. Kenyataannya, cairan ini hanya akan menghambat upaya kehamilan Anda. Kebanyakan formula lubrikasi mengubah pH balance di dalam vagina, dan menurunkan mobilitas sperma.

6. Tak perlu khawatir jika tidak orgasme
Meskipun tujuannya untuk mendapatkan peluang kehamilan, jangan melupakan kesenangan dalam bercinta. Namun, tak perlu mengkhawatirkan jika Anda tak dapat mencapai orgasme saat itu. Meskipun ada yang mengatakan bahwa orgasme mampu mendorong terjadinya pembuahan dengan menarik lebih banyak sperma ke dalam vagina dan rahim, teori ini tidak didukung fakta ilmiah.